Thursday, 26 January 2012

These photos make me anxious to return!

Still setting up ministries for the April tour and was reminded today of some of the great things we saw and some of the people we loved on while we were in Phnom Penh and the Siem Reap Countryside.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


We are practicing the art of Beading for our next trip in order to give the girls in the villages a new skill.
On this upcoming tour  Nell Petronella will be teaching the village girls how to make beaded dragon flies and butterflies to wear as hair clips and dress and scarf pins.  They are so beautiful! I hope to be able to post some pics of them soon!

Monday, 2 January 2012

Looking forward to our next Trip!

Our trip in October was such a blast!  I never thought sweating and working to serve others could be such fun! We had a great team with us who took so much initiative in working at the Destiny Rescue Day Care Center and they created some the most clever designs on the faces of the children I've ever seen. These children were adorable, all 65 of them, and bathing them and washing their clothes was like a gift for us!
Face painting was so much fun!

This is the way we wash the clothes at the day care center.
We hosted women from one of the villages connected with the day care center at an afternoon tea and spent another day with them at a local beauty salon having their hair shampooed and straightened.  Our team ladies prepared gift bags for these women and gave them hard copies of photos of themselves.  None, not one, had ever had a photograph of themselves and to see the faces of those women as they received their photos brought tears to our eyes.  They were so loving and I think we all wanted to do it
all over again the next day!
We visited an new organization called the SHE HOUSE where we taught rescued girls the craft of felt purse-making and got to spend time talking to them through an interpreter.  Seeing how they have progressed from their ordeal is simply amazing!  They seem to have such joy and to see all of them have goals they are preparing for was inspiring.
One of our biggest highlights was visiting Seiha's village in Siem Reap and the school he has built.
Seiha is our tour guide for Angkor Wat and over the years has become a really good friend.  He has rebuilt a village school and employs teachers for over 400 students in and around his village and he was able to take us on a tour of the school and his village and we even got to meet his grandparents which was very special.
Here is Seiha and part of our team

Our puppet show and parachute playing were big hits at the People for Care and Learning Center and the students english was so good it was a breeze communicating with them.

And none of us will forget eating a crispy tarantula in Kampong Tom.  Sonya was so very brave!

So, we are looking forward to the next trip which begins on March 24th 2012 and departing Cambodia on the 5th of April!  We will be limiting this next tour to 8 so be sure to send your application in early.
The Cost is $1300 all inclusive plus airfare!